If you are suffering with pain or injury, a functional approach will help you quickly return to full fitness.

You can refer yourself as Physiotherapists are trained to act as a first line medical contact. We also accept medical referrals from GP’s, Consultants and other health professionals.

Health Insurers
We are registered Physiotherapists with the majority of private medical health insurers. If you have medical insurance please inform us when you make your initial appointment.
Treatment may include a variety of mobilisation and soft tissue techniques, acupuncture, taping, advice on resuming your normal activity and prevention of further injures and, of course, exercises.
Like everything else, the exercises will be specific to your needs and may include core training, posture advice, flexibility and strength training.
We will make sure that you understand the cause of your problem, and the most effective way to manage it.

What to expect from your initial assessment
Your initial appointment will last for 1 hour to allow for a full and comprehensive assessment where I will identify the extent and/or the cause of the injury or on-going problem along with individualised treatment specific to your condition. Follow up appointments are 30 minutes.
I will ask you about the reason why you have come to see me, how and when your problem started, what has happened since and whether you have seen a GP/Consultant and had any investigations done. I will need to know something about your past medical history that may affect your treatment, any medication that you are taking and how your condition is affecting your usual activities.
Nike Golf 360 Performance Specialist
I am a fully certied Nike Golf Performance Specialist and fellow of Applied Functional Science from the Gray Institute.
The Nike Golf 360° Functional Performance System is a scientific process of analysis and training to enhance the athleticism and performance of golfers at any skill level.
The performance analysis and training techniques are derived from the Applied Functional Science™ principles of human movement from the Gray Institute and are used to provide an individualized training or rehabilitation program.
The Three Dimensional (3D) Performance Analysis and Training program delivers individualised golf-specific athleticism and performance specific to your swing.